Hier finden Sie eine alphabetisch geordnete Liste unserer aktuellen Publikationen aus 2024 und 2025. Ältere Publikationen finden Sie nach Jahreszahlen geordnet in unserem Archiv!

Publikationen 2024/2025

*  = geteilte Urheberschaft

In press

Beccardi M, Moiron M, Salmón P, Tschirren B, Vedder O (in press) Does inbreeding affect personality traits? An experimental study in a precocial bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Beccardi M, Pen I, Bichet C, Tschirren B, Vedder O (in press) Inbreeding accelerates reproductive senescence, but not survival senescence, in a precocial bird. Journal of Animal Ecology

Burnus L, Wynn J, Liedvogel M, Rollins, RE (in press). Beware of hitchhiking ticks? Clarifying the variable roles of bird species in tick movement along migratory routes. Journal of Avian Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jav.03275

Chang C, Moiron M, Sánchez-Tójar A, Niemela P, Laskowski K (in press) What's the meta-analytic evidence for life-history trade-offs at the genetic level? Ecology letters

Ishigohoka J, Liedvogel M (in press) High-recombining genomic regions affect demography inference based on ancestral recombination graphs. Genetics.

Moiron M, Bouwhuis S (in press) Age-dependent shaping of the social environment in a long-lived seabird – a quantitative genetic approach. Philosophical Transactions B

Monticelli D, Defourny H, Degros E, Portier B, Cerveira LR, Ramos JA, Paiva VH, Berthelsen UM, Bregnballe T, van der Winden J, Bouwhuis S*, Szczys P* (in press) Sex identification based on biometrics in four long-distance migratory tern species mist-netted along the East Atlantic Flyway. Journal of Ornithology (*shared senior authorship)

Pohlmann A, Stejskal O, King J, Bouwhuis S, Packmor F, Ballstaedt E, Hälterlein B, Hennig V, Stacker L, Graaf A, Hennig C, Günther A, Liang Y, Hjulsager C, Beer M, Harder T (in press) Mass mortality among colony-breeding seabirds in the German Wadden Sea in 2022 due to at least two regionally circulating, distinct genotypes of HPAIV H5N1 clade Journal of General Virology

Weissensteiner MJ, Delmore K, Peona V, Lugo Ramos JS, Grégoire A, Blas J, Faivre B, Pokrovsky I, Wikelski M, Partecke J, Liedvogel M (in press) Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidate for genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution.



Wynn J, Kürten N, Moiron M, Bouwhuis S (in press) Selective disappearance based on navigational efficiency in a long-lived seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology



Bertram J, Bichet C, Moiron M, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (2024) Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment 927: 172330

Bertram J, Moiron M, Bichet C, Kürten N, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (2024) Mercury concentrations in blood and back feathers are repeatable, heritable and correlated in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment, 955, 176939.

Cansse T, Vedder O, Kürten N, Bouwhuis S (2024) Feeding rate reflects quality in both parents and offspring: a longitudinal study in common terns. Animal Behaviour, 214, 111-120.

Dierschke J (2024) Vogelzug im Wandel. 60 Jahre DAVVL 1964-2024, 52-55

Firth J, Albery GF, Bouwhuis S, Brent LJN, Salguero-Gomez R (2024) Understanding age and society using natural populations. Philosophical Transactions B 379: 20220469

Helm B, Liedvogel M (2024) Avian Migration Clocks in a Changing World. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. doi: 10.1007/s00359-023-01688-w

Hering J, Fünfstück H-J, Geiter O & Tolkmitt D (2024) : Breeding of Kentish Plovers Anarhynchus alexandrinus at Lake Nasser, southern Egypt. Sandgroose 46: 214-216

Hering J, Fünfstück HJ, Kiepsch S, Toschki P, Geiter O (2024) Greater Painted-snipes at lake Nasser, Egypt. Dutch Birding 46: 73-81

Hering J, Geiter O, Barthel PH, Ewig P, Fünfstück HJ, Krause T, Schöffski N, Toschki P, Wimbauer M (2024) Brown-throated Martins at lake Nasser, Egypt, in 2012 and 2022-23. Dutch Birding 46: 168-177

Hering J, Geiter O, Fünfstück HJ, Kiepsch S (2024) Rußvögel und afrotropische Schwalben. Der Falke 8: 14-20

Ishigohoka J, Bascón-Cardozo K, Bours A, Fuß J, Rhie A, Mountcastle J, Haase B, Chow W, Collins J, Howe K, Uliano-Silva M, Fedrigo O, Jarvis ED, Pérez-Tris J, Illera JC, Liedvogel M (2024) Distinct patterns of genetic variation at low-recombining genomic regions represent haplotype structure. Evolution. qpae117. doi: 10.1093/evolut/qpae117

Karwinkel T, Peter A, Holland R, Thorup K, Bairlein F, Schmaljohann H (2024) A conceptual framework for understanding the role of magnetic cues in songbird migration ecology. Biological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/brv.13082

Langebrake C, Manthey G, Frederiksen A, Lugo Ramos JS, Dutheil J, Chetverikova R, Solov’yov I, Mouritsen H, Liedvogel M. (2024)  Evidence for adaptive evolution towards high magnetic sensitivity of potential magnetoreceptor in songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B,20232308. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2023.2308

Moiron M, Teplitzky C, Haest B, Charmantier A*, Bouwhuis S* (2024) Micro-evolutionary response of spring migration timing in a wild seabird. Evolution Letters 8: 8-17

Schnelle A, Rollins RE, Cecere JG, Sánchez Gutiérrez J, Masero JA, Risch M, Bouwhuis S*, Liedvogel M* (2024) Assessment of genetic diversity in a locally endangered tern species suggests population connection instead of isolation. Conservation genetics 25: 1313-1323 (*shared senior authorship)

Schnelle A, Winter M, Bouwhuis S, Risch M (2024) Diet composition and reproductive performance in Central Europe’s last gull-billed tern population – a long term study. Ardea 112, 247-258

Schulze‑Hagen K, Fiedler W, Bairlein F (2024) 170 years Journal of Ornithology (formerly Journal für Ornithologie). J Ornithology 165: 1-4. doi.org/10.1007/s10336-023-02104-5

Wülbern J, Windorfer L, Sato K, Nakao M, Hepner S, Margos G, Fingerle V, Kawabata H, Becker NS, Kraiczy P, Rollins RE (2024) Unprecedented genetic variability of PFam54 paralogs among Eurasian Lyme borreliosis-causing spirochetes. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11397. doi.org/10.1002/ece3.11397

Wynn J, Fandos G, Delmore K, Van Doren BM, Fransson T, Liedvogel M (2024) Could bi-axial orientation explain range expansion in a migratory songbird? J Avian Biology doi: 10.1111/jav.03196