Here you can find an alphabetically ordered list of our publications of 2023 and 2024. You can find older publications in our archive.

Publikationen 2023/2024

*  = geteilte Urheberschaft

In press

Cansse T, Vedder O, Kürten N, Bouwhuis S (in press) Feeding rate reflects quality in both parents and offspring: a longitudinal study in common terns. Animal Behaviour

Chang C, Moiron M, Sánchez-Tójar A, Niemela P, Laskowski K (in press) What's the meta-analytic evidence for life-history trade-offs at the genetic level? Ecology letters

Delmore K, Van Doren BM, Ullrich K, Curk T, van der Jeugd HP, Liedvogel M (in press) Structural genomic variation and migratory behavior in wild songbirds. Evolution Letters

Helm B, Liedvogel M (in press) Avian Migration Clocks in a Changing World. Journal of Comparative Physiology A

Langebrake C, Manthey G, Frederiksen A, Lugo Ramos JS, Dutheil J, Chetverikova R, Solov’yov I, Mouritsen H, Liedvogel M. (in press)  Evidence for adaptive evolution towards high magnetic sensitivity of potential magnetoreceptor in songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Le Clercq LS, Bazzi G, Ferrer Obiol J, Cecere J, Gianfranceschi L, Grobler J, Kotzé A, Riutort León M, González-Solís J, Rubolini D, Liedvogel M, Dalton D (in press) Birds of a feather flock together: a dataset for Clock and Adcyap1 genes from migration genetics studies. Scientific Data

Pohlmann A, Stejskal O, King J, Bouwhuis S, Packmor F, Ballstaedt E, Hälterlein B, Hennig V, Stacker L, Graaf A, Hennig C, Günther A, Liang Y, Hjulsager C, Beer M, Harder T (in press) Mass mortality among colony-breeding seabirds in the German Wadden Sea in 2022 due to at least two regionally circulating, distinct genotypes of HPAIV H5N1 clade Journal of General Virology

Schnelle A, Winter M, Bouwhuis S, Risch M (in press) Diet composition and reproductive performance in Central Europe’s last gull-billed tern population – a long term study. Ardea



Bertram J, Bichet C, Moiron M, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (2024) Sex- and age-specific mercury accumulation in a long-lived seabird. Science of the Total Environment 927: 172330

Dierschke J (2024) Vogelzug im Wandel. 60 Jahre DAVVL 1964-2024, 52-55

Hering J, Fünfstück HJ, Kiepsch S, Toschki P, Geiter O (2024) Greater Painted-snipes at lake Nasser, Egypt. Dutch Birding 46: 73-81

Hering J, Geiter O, Barthel PH, Ewig P, Fünfstück HJ, Krause T, Schöffski N, Toschki P, Wimbauer M (2024) Brown-throated Martins at lake Nasser, Egypt, in 2012 and 2022-23. Dutch Birding_46: 168-177

Karwinkel T, Peter A, Holland R, Thorup K, Bairlein F, Schmaljohann H (2024) A conceptual framework for understanding the role of magnetic cues in songbird migration ecology. Biological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/brv.13082

Moiron M, Teplitzky C, Haest B, Charmantier A*, Bouwhuis S* (2024) Micro-evolutionary response of spring migration timing in a wild seabird. Evolution Letters 8: 8-17

Schulze‑Hagen K, Fiedler W, Bairlein F (2024) 170 years Journal of Ornithology (formerly Journal für Ornithologie). J Ornithology 165: 1-4.

Wülbern J, Windorfer L, Sato K, Nakao M, Hepner S, Margos G, Fingerle V, Kawabata H, Becker NS, Kraiczy P, Rollins RE (2024). Unprecedented genetic variability of PFam54 paralogs among Eurasian Lyme borreliosis-causing spirochetes. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11397.

Wynn J, Fandos G, Delmore K, Van Doren BM, Fransson T, Liedvogel M (2024) Could bi-axial orientation explain range expansion in a migratory songbird? J Avian Biology doi: 10.1111/jav.03196


Abdel-Glil MY, Braune S, Bouwhuis S, Sprague LD (2023) First Desciption of Mergibacter septicus Isolates from a Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) in Germany. Pathogenes 12: 1096

Baldan D, Beccardi M, Fuertes-Recuero M, Schiavinato M, Zampa L, Pilastro A, Cantarero A (2023) Repeatable negotiation rules? Only females show repeatable responses to partner removal in a brood-provisioning songbird. Biol. Lett. 19: 20230136

Bascón-Cardozo K, Bours A, Manthey G, Pruisscher P, Durieux G, Dutheil J, Odenthal-Hesse L*, Liedvogel M* (2023) Fine-scale map reveals highly variable recombination rates associated with genomic features in the European blackcap. Genome Biology and Evolution. doi: 10.22541/au.165423614.49331155/v1.

Beccardi M, Plaza M, Moreno J, Cantarero A. (2023) Male aggressiveness during the female fertile phase in relation to extra-pair paternity, plumage ornaments and female traits. J Ornithol 164, 299-310

Becker NS, Rollins RE, Stephens R, Sato K, Brachmann A, Nakao M, Kawabata H (2023) Candidatus Lariskella arthopodarum endosymbiont is the main factor differentiating the microbiome communities of female and male Borrelia-positive Ixodes persulcatus ticks. Ticks and Tick-borne deseases 14, 102183

Bours A*, Pruisscher P*, Bascón-Cardozo K, Odenthal-Hesse L, Liedvogel M (2023) The blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) genome reveals a recent accumulation of LTR retrotransposons. Scientific Reports doi: 10.21203/

Bouwhuis S (2023) Flussseeschwalbe trifft Vogelgrippe - die traurige Geschichte des Jahres 2022. Nachrichten des Mellumrates 60, 61-68

Delmore K, Van Doren BM, Ullrich K, Curk T, van der Jeugd HP, Liedvogel M (2023) Structural genomic variation and migratory behavior in wild songbirds. Evolution Letters 7:401-412

Brust V (2023) Das unterschätzte Ausmaß des Herbstzuges von Singvögeln über der südöstlichen Nordsee. Natur- und Umweltschutz (Mellumrat) 22,/2:8-9

Dierschke J (2023) Hochseevögel in Deutschland – das Vorkommen der Röhrennasen in der deutschen Nordsee. Seevögel 43, Sonderh.: 86-93

Dierschke J, Dierschke V, Mercker M (2023) Brutbestandsentwicklung von See- und Küstenvögeln auf Helgoland. Vogelwelt 141, 3-22

Dierschke J, Dierschke V, Borkenhagen K, Schwemmer H (2023) Massenvorkommen der Trauerente in der Außenelbe. Falke 70, H. 6: 38

Dierschke J, Dierschke V, Stühmer F (2023) Ornithologischer Jahresbericht 2022 für Helgoland. Ornithol. Jber. Helgoland 33: 1-92

Dierschke J, Keuschen P, Müller K (2023) Die Vogelberingung auf Helgoland im Jahr 2022. Ornithol. Jber. Helgoland 33: 93-104

Dierschke V, Dierschke J, Ballstaedt E (2023) Brutbestand und Bruterfolg des Eissturmvogels Fulmarus glacialis auf Helgoland. Seevögel 43, Sonderh.: 22-28

Düttmann H, Kruckenberg H, Bünte R, Delingat J, Emke D, Garlichs M, Korner P, Kowallik C, Lauenstein G, Südbeck P, Bairlein F (2023) Grazing effects by wintering geese on grassland yield - A long-term study from Northwest Germany. J Applied Ecology 60: 421-432. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14340

Eikenaar C, Ostolani A, Brust V, Karwinkel T, Schmaljohann H, Isaksson C (2023) The oxidative balance and stopover departure decisions in a medium- and a long‑distance migrant. Movement Ecology 11:7

Eikenaar C, Ostolani A, Hessler S, Ye EY, Hegemann A (2023) Recovery of constitutive immune function after migratory endurance flight in free-living birds. Biol. Lett. 19:20220518

Eikenaar C, Ostolani A, Hessler S, Ye EY, Karwinkel T, Isaksson C (2023) Stopovers serve physiological recovery in migratory songbirds. PBZ

Fattorini N, Costanzo A, Romano A, Rubolini D, Baillie S, Bairlein F, Spina F, Ambrosini R (2023) Eco-evolutionary drivers of avian migratory connectivity. Ecology Letters. 2023;00:1–13; DOI: 10.1111/ele.14223

Frederiksen A, Langebrake C, Hanic M, Manthey G, Mouritsen H, Liedvogel M, Solov'yov I (2023) Mutational study of the tryptophan tetrad important for electron transfer in European robin cryptochrome 4a. ACS Omega 8:26425-26436

Geiter O (2023) Der Eissturmvogel als Helgoland-Ringvogel. Seevögel 43, 36 -39

Geiter O (2023) Gerhard Nikolaus (1948 – 2023). Vogelwarte 61: 222

Halupka L, Arlt D, Tolvanen Jere, Millon A, Bize P, Adamik P, Albert P Arendt WJ, Artemyev AV, Baglione V, Banbura J, Banbura M, Barba E, Barrett RT, Becker PH, Belskii E, Bolton M,Bower EK, Bried J, Brouwer L, Bukacinska M, Bukacinski D, Bulluck L, carstens KF, Catry I, Charter M, Chernomoret A, Covas R, Czukra M, Dearborn DC, de Lope F, Di Giacomo AS, Dombrovski VC, Drummond H, Dunn MJ, Eeva T, Emmerson LM, Espmark Y, Fargallo JA, Gashkov SI, Golubova EY, Griesser M, Harris MP, Hoover JP, Jagiello Z, Karell P, Kloskowski J, Koenig WD, Kolunen Heikki, Korczak-Abshire M, Korpimaki E, Krams I, Krist M, Krüger SC, Kuranov BD, Lambin X, Lombardo MP, Lyakhov A, Marzal A, Moller AP, Neves VC, Nielsen JT, Numerov A, Orlowska B, Oro D, Öst M, Phillips RA, Pietiänen H, Polo V, Porkert J, Potti J, Pöysa H, Printemps T, Prop J, Quillfeldt P, Ramos JA, Ravussin PA, Rosenfield RN, Roulin A, Rubenstein DR, Samusenko IE, Saunders D, Schaub M, Seanr JC, Sergio F, Solonen T, Solovyena DV, Stepniewski J, Thompson PM, Tobolka M, Török J, van der Pol M, Vernooij L, Visser ME, Westneat DF, Wheelwright NT, Wiacek J, Wiebe KL, Wood AG, Wuczynski A, Wysocki D, Zarybnicka M,  Margalida A, Halupka K (2023) The effect of climate changes on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis. PNAS

Hepner S, Kuleshov K, Tooming-Kunderud A,Alig N, Gofton A, Casjens S, Rollins RE, Dangel A, Mourkas E, Sheppard SK, Wieser A, Hübner J, Sing A, Fingerle V, Margos G (2023) A high fidelity approach to assembling the complex Borrelia genome. BMC Genomics 24, 401 (2023).

Hering J, Geiter O, Fünfstück HJ, Küttner R (2023) Hitze, Schweiß und Überraschungen im Juni - Expedition auf dem Nassersee. Falke 07/2023:14-21

Jeglinski JWE, Wanless S, Murray S, Barrett RT, Gardarsson A, Harris MP, Dierschke J, Strøm H, Lorentsen SH & Matthiopoulos J (2023): Metapopulation Regulation Acts at Multiple Spatial Scales: Insights from a Century of Seabird Colony Census Data. Ecological Monographs e1569.

Klughammer J, Romanovskaia D, Nemc A, Posautz A, Seid C, Schuster L, Keinath M, Lugo Ramos JS, Kosak L, Evankow A, Prinz D, Kirchberger S, Datlinger P, Fortelny N, Schmidl C, Farlik M, Skjærven K, Bergthaler A, Liedvogel M, Thaller D, Burger P, Hermann M, Distel M, Distel D, Kübber Heiss A, Bock C (2023) Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles across 580 animal species. Nature Communications 14:232

Kürten N (2023) Auf der Spur der stark bedrohten Flussseeschwalbe (Sterna hinrundo) in Zeiten des Klimawandels. NNA Niedersachsen, doi: 10.23766/NiPF.202301.03

Küttner R, Matzke D, Hering J, Geiter O (2023) Beitrag zur Ohrwurmfauna des Nassersees in Ägypten (Dermaptera: Labiduridae). Entomologische Zeitschrift · Schwanfeld · 133 (1) 2023

Le Clercq LS, Bazzi G, Cecere J, Gianfranceschi L, Grobler J, Kotzé A, Rubolini D, Liedvogel M, Dalton D (2023) Time trees and clock genes: a systematic review and comparative analysis of contemporary avian migration genetics. Biological Reviews 98(4) 1051-1080

Le Clercq LS, Bazzi G, Ferrer Obiol J, Cecere J, Gianfranceschi L, Grobler J, Kotzé A, Riutort León M, González-Solís J, Rubolini D, Liedvogel M, Dalton D (2023) Birds of a feather flock together: a dataset for Clock and Adcyap1 genes from migration genetics studies. Scientific Data 10/787

Mattig FR (2023) Die Auswirkungen temporärer Lichtverschmutzung von Schiffen auf die nächtlichen Koloniebesuche einer bedrohten Seevogelart. Vogelwarte 61: 151 - 152

Mattig FR (2023) Größen-assortative Paarung bei einem langlebigen, monogamen Seevogel. Vogelwarte 61: 153 - 154

Mattig FR (2023) Ein Riesen-Greifvogel (Aves: Accipitridae) aus dem Pleistozän Südaustraliens. Vogelwarte 61: 155 - 156

Mattig FR (2023) Das Gesichtsfeld der Harpyie (Harpia harpyja). Vogelwarte 61: 156 – 157

McLaren JD, Schmaljohann H & Blasius, B (2023) Gauge-and-compass migration: inherited magnetic headings and signposts can adapt to changing geomagnetic landscapes. Mov Ecol 11, 37

Meyer B, Moiron M, Caswara C, Chow W, Fedrigo O, Formenti G, Haase B, Howe K, Mountcastle J, Uliano-Silva M, Wood J, Jarvis ED, Liedvogel M, Bouwhuis S (2023) Sex-specific changes in autosomal methylation rate in ageing common terns. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:982443

Militão, T, Kürten, N, Bouwhuis, S (2023) Sex-specific foraging behaviour in a long-lived seabird. Mar Biol 170, 132.

Moonen S, Ludwig J, Kruckenberg H, Muskens G, Nolet B, van der Jeugd H, Bairlein F (2023) Sharing habitat: no negative effect of migratory barnacle goose activity on nesting meadow birds. J Nature Conservation 72: 126355;

Rollins RE, Margos G, Brachmann A, Krebs S, Mouchet A, Dingemanse NJ, Laatamna A, Reghaissia N, Fingerle V, Metzler D, Becker NS, Chitimia-Dobler L (2023) German Ixodes inopinatus samples may  not actually represent this tick species. International Journal of Parasitology 104:001834

Rollins RE, Sato K, Nakao M, Tawfeeq MT, Herrera-Mesías F, Pereira RJ, Kovalev S, Margos G, Fingerle V, Kawabata H, Becker NS (2023) Out of Asia? Expansion of Eurasian Lyme borreliosis causing genospecies display unique evolutionary trajectories. Molecular Ecology 32:786-799

Rüppel G, Hüppop O, Lagerveld S, Schmaljohann H, Brust V (2023) Departure, routing and landing decisions of longdistance migratory songbirds in relation to weather. R. Soc. Open Sci. 10:221420

Rüppel G, Hüppop O, Schmaljohann H, Brust V (2023). The urge to breed early: Similar responses to environmental conditions in short- and long-distance migrants during spring migration. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10223.

Salmón, P, Dawson NJ, Millet C, Selman C, Monaghan P (2023) Mitochondrial function declines with age within individuals but is not linked to the pattern of growth or mortality risk in zebra finch. Aging Cell, e13822

Salmón P,  López-Idiáquez D,  Capilla-Lasheras P,  Pérez-Tris J,  Isaksson C, Watson H (2023) Urbanisation impacts plumage colouration in a songbird across Europe: Evidence from a correlational, experimental and meta-analytical approach. Journal of Animal Ecology,  00,  1–13.

Urban MC, Swaegers J, Stoks R, Snook RR, Otto SP, Noble DWA, Moiron M, Hällfors M, Gómez-Llano M, Fior S, Cote J, Charmantier A, Bestion E, Berger D, Baur J, Alexander JM, Saastamoinen M, Edelsparre A, Teplitsky C (2023) When and how can we predict adaptive responses to climate change?​ Evolution letters qrad038/7455738

Vedder O, Tschirren B, Postma E, Moiron M (2023) Rapid decline of prenatal maternal effects with age is independent of postnatal environment in a precocial bird. Evolution 77(11), 2484-2491

Wimbauer M, Geiter O (2023) 12.000 Blaumeisen-Beringungen in Waldeck-Frankenberg - Mit welchen Ergebnissen? Vogelkundl Hefte Edertal 49/2023:104-111

Wynn J, Liedvogel M (2023) Lost: on what level should we aim to understand animal navigation? Journal of Experimental Biology 226, jeb245441

Wynn J, Leberecht B, Liedvogel M, Burnus L, Chetverikova R, Döge S, Karwinkel T, Kobylkov D, Xu J, Mouritsen H (2023) Naive songbirds show seasonally appropriate spring orientation in the laboratory despite having never completed first migration. Biology Letters 19:20220478