Volunteers for the Institute in Wilhelmshaven and the Island Station Helgoland
There are several possibilities to join the team in Wilhelmshaven and even on Helgoland. You can work within the framework of the FÖJ or the federal voluntary service ("Bundesfreiwilligendienst") or in a practical as a volunteer on Helgoland, as well as master and bachelor projects. The focus is on bird ringing, outreach, research projects, data entry and maintenance of the buildings and equipment.

Students and trainees
Students can, for example, participate in an educational year (FÖJ) that offers the possibility of becoming active in environmental protection, or work within the framework of the federal voluntary service ("Bundesfreiwilligendienst"). In addition, university students can apply for practicals ("Stationshelfer"for Helgoland), as well as scientific projects for bachelor, master or PHD work, which are designed at the main division in Wilhelmshaven. If you are interested, please contact the scientist of your choice directly.

Stationshelfer on Helgoland
Around 50 students join the Island station each year. Practicals need to take place for at least four weeks, and from a four week duration make the student eligible for reimbursement of travel costs within Germany. For German students, information regarding a practical at the Island station can be found in the handout.

Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr (FÖJ)
Each year, the Island station offers 1-2 FÖJ-positions, which start at the 1st of August each year. Applications for these positions run via the Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz, and the application deadline is the 28th February. More information regarding the work within the FÖJ framework can be found here.

Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD)
The main devision of the IfV in Wilhelmshaven offers one position within the federal voluntary service framework each year. This position starts at the 1st of August. Applications can be send up to the 28th February to the Institute in Wilhelmshaven, preferably in a PDF file.
The Island station also offers one position each year. It also starts at the 1st of September and applications can be sent to the Island station up to the 28th February (contact).
Everyone working with us joins forces and participates in bird ringing, outreach, research projects, data entry and maintenance of the buildings and equipment.
More interesting informations you can find in the special edition No. 1, 2019, of the "Mitteilungen der Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz" (Download: Wilhelmshaven, Download: Helgoland).