organised by, or in collaboration with the IAR
Upcoming events:
- Symposium “Moving beyond the sensor basis and mchanisms of animal navigation”, February 18-20, 2025, Oldenburg
Selection of previous events of the last 10 years:
- 14th German Seabird an Coastal Bird Colloquium of the AG Seevogelschutz, 22 – 24 November 2024, Wilhelmshaven.
- Ringer meeting 04./05.03.2023, Oberschwarzach
- Conference of the DO-G (Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft), 22.-25.09.2022, Wilhelmshaven
- Ringer Meeting 13./14.11.2021, Recklinghausen
- Ringer Meeting, 07.03.2020, Hamburg
- European Motus User Meeting, 2019, Berlin
- International Workshop Tracking bird migration over the seas: Fundamental patterns and their applications for offshore wind farms, 04./05.02.2019, Berlin
- Ringer Meeting, 02./03.03.2019, Recklinghausen
- 39. Tagung über tropische Vögel der Gesellschaft für Tropenornithologie, 2018, Wilhelmshaven
- Ringer Meeting 10./11.03.1918, Wilhelmshaven
- International Workshop "Improving our knowledge on bird migration over the sea" Thünen Institut für Seefischerei, 28./29.08.2017, Hamburg
- Ringer Meeting in collaboration with Vogelwarte Radolfzell, 04./05.03.2017, Echzell
- Open house presentation "Meereswelten 2016 - Wilhelmshavener Wissenschaftler stellen sich vor", 24.07.2016, Wilhelmshaven
- Projektbegleitende Arbeitsgruppe (PAG) des BIRDMOVE Projekts, 2016, Hamburg
- ENRAM Working Group Meeting, 10./11.11.2015, Hamburg
- 8. Gemeinsame Mitarbeitertagung der deutschen Vogelwarten, 06./07.03.2015, Marburg/Lahn,
- Migratory Landbird Sudy Group, 26.03./28.03.2014, Wilhelmshaven
- Ringer Meeting 15./16.03.2014, Büsum
- 10. Deutsches See- und Küstenkolloquium der AG Seevogelschutz, 2014, Norderney
- DOG Junior Meeting, 2013, Wilhelmshaven
- Meeting of the International Wader Study Group, 2013, Wilhelmshaven
- 37. Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, 2013, Wilhelmshaven
- Ringer Meeting 16./17.03.2013 Wilhelmshaven
- ARGOS User Meeting 13.03.2012, Wilhelmshaven
- International Oenanthe Workshop, 10.-12.02.2012, Wilhelmshaven
- Autumn Meeting of the Mellumrat e.V., 19.11.2011, Wilhelmshaven
- Ringer Meeting, 12./13.03.2011, Recklinghausen
More events of the past you can find in our bi-annual reports.