Curriculum vitae

Scientific education & Employment

2022 - presentBioinformatician and researcher, IfV – “Vogelwarte Helgoland”
2020 - 2022Postdoctoral researcher, PennState University, USA
2019 - 2020Postdoctoral researcher, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany
2014 - 2019PhD in Evolutionary Genetics, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2009 - 2013MSc in Ecology and Evolution, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Austria
2005 - 2009BSc in Behavioral Biology, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Austria

Grants & Honors

2017Smålands Nation travel grant, Sweden, amount: 1700 €
2017Best student talk, Population Genetics Group meeting, Cambridge, UK
2017EMBO Travel Grant, amount: 300 €
2017Smålands nation scholarship, Sweden, amount: 3000 €
2016Smålands Nation scholarship, Sweden, amount: 2000 €
2015Ala Travel grant, Switzerland, amount: 700 €
2014DO-G Travel grant, Germany, amount: 1450 €
2012Travel grant, Styrian provincial government, Austria amount: 300 €
2011DO-G Small research grant, Germany, amount: 2450 €

Invited Talks

2021MEEL Seminar Talk, Lund University, Sweden
2021Keynote, Programming for Evolutionary Biology Conference, Leipzig, Germany
2020Online Webinar Talk, Pacific Biosystems, California, USA
2019Seminar Talk, Institute for Zoology, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria
2018Wiehe Lab Seminar, University of Cologne, Germany
2018E2G2 Seminar Talk, University of Rochester, USA
2018Seminar Talk, Centre for Medical Genomics, Pennsylvania State University, USA
2017Plant and Animal Genome Conference 2017, San Diego, USA
2017Current Studies in Evolutionary Biology, University of Basel, Switzerland
2016SMRT-sequencing symposium, SciLife Lab Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden


2018Symposium: “The role of repetitive genetic elements in genome evolution, adaptation and speciation”, EVOLUTION/ESEB joint meeting, Montpellier, France
2017Symposium: “Avian Genomics”, EOU Conference, Turku, Finland


2021DNA Day lecture, Kennett High School, Kennett Square, PA, USA


2024Introduction to Avian Genomics, University of Oldenburg
2017 & 2019Essential skills in the analysis of high-throughput genomic data, LMU Munich
2012 - 2014Graduate Teaching Assistant, Wildlife Identification course, KF University Graz


Master-level research practical students

August 2024: Lena van den Hout: The genetic basis of melanism in blackcaps. 
July 2023: Laura Stange, Comparing clk -gene variation in Sanger and WGS data. 

PhD students (co-supervised with Prof. Miriam Liedvogel)

December 2024 – present: Eva Stöbbe: Genomics of migration in common terns 

Reviewer for the following journals: 

Nature Communications, Genome Research, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc., GigaScience, MobileDNA, The Plant Journal, BMC Genomics, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Genome Biology and Evolution, PLOS ONE, Communications Biology, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, The Auk, Gene, G3: Genes Genomes Genetics, MDPI Genes, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Journal of Ornithology, Journal of Unmanned Aerial Systems, PeerJ Journal

Grant Reviewer for

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR), French National Research Agency, The Swiss National Fond