Migratory phenotype to genotype – trait mapping

In order to identify individual variation we map these precise and accurately quantified trait characteristics to genotype: In the European robin and blackbird, we focally investigate the propensity to migrate, specifically patterns of partial migration, i.e. populations that comprise migratory individuals that leave the breeding range in autunn and return in spring, and resident individuals that stay in the breeding area year round.

In addition to the propensity to migrate, populations of the same species, such as the Eurasian blackcap, include populations that exhibit different migratory directions, vary in migratory distance, and also include completely sedentary populations. I addition to sedentary populations in southern Iberia, several resident island populations also exist.

To most efficiently address these questions, we combine high throughput sequencing techniques with behavioural observations in well-characterised study systems. Specifically, we identify and map the genes behind the components shaping the migratory phenotype using various sequencing approaches. Because the basis of phenotypic differences might not (only) lay in the sequence, we complement the sequencing approach with gene expression profiling and characterisation of chromatin modification to investigate the extent of phenotypic variation manifested by expression differences, either through slight genetic differences or regulatory epigenetic processes.


Weissensteiner MJ, Delmore K, Peona V, Lugo Ramos JS, Grégoire A, Blas J, Faivre B, Pokrovsky I, Wikelski M, Partecke J, Liedvogel M (2025) Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidate for genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution. doi: xxxxx in press

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Liedvogel M, Åkesson S, Bensch S (2011) The genetics of migration on the move. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 26, 561-569. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.07.009

Popular science

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Liedvogel M (2020) Latest Thinking, How Do Genes Allow Migratory Birds To Travel With Such Precision? - Latest Thinking Video Clip about our work (doi: 10.21036/LTPUB10978, 2020)