List of publications

Gould E, Fraser HS, (73 authors including Salmón, P.) et al. (2025). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology, 23, 35

Beccardi, M., Moiron, M., Salmón, P., Tschirren, B., and Vedder, O. (2024). Does inbreeding affect personality traits? An experimental study in a precocial bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 78(12), 123.

Salmón, P., López-Idiáquez, D., Capilla-Lasheras, P., Pérez-Tris, J., Isaksson, C. and Watson, H. (2023) Urbanisation impacts plumage colouration in a songbird across Europe: evidence from a correlational, experimental, and meta-analytical approach. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92 (10), 1924-1936

Salmón, P., Dawson, N. J., Millet, C., Selman, C. and Monaghan, P. (2023) Mitochondrial function declines with age within individuals but is not linked to the pattern of growth or mortality risk in zebra finch. Aging Cell, 22 (6), e13822

Jensen, J. K., Ekroos, J., Watson, H., Salmón, P., Olsson, P. and Isaksson, C. (2023) Urban tree composition is associated with breeding success of a passerine bird, but effects vary within and between years. Oecologia, 1-13.

Salmón, P., Millet, C., Monaghan, P., Selman, C. and Dawson, N. J. (2022) Tissue-specific reduction in mitochondrial efficiency and increased ROS release rates from the liver and muscle of old zebra finches. GeroScience, 1-12.

Salmón, P.* and Burraco, P.* (2022) Telomeres and anthropogenic disturbances in wildlife: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular Ecology. 10.1111/mec.16370. *Joint first authors

Burraco, P.*, Lucas, P. and Salmón, P.* (2021) Telomeres in a spatial context: a tool for understanding ageing pattern variation in wild populations. Ecography: 10.1111/ecog.05565. *Joint first authors

Salmón, P.,Millet, C., Selman, C. and Monaghan, P. (2021) Growth acceleration results in faster telomere shortening later in life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288: 20211118.

Salmón, P.*,Jacobs, A.*, Ahrén, D., Biard, C., Dingemanse, N.J., Dominoni, D., Helm, B., Lundberg, M., Senar, J.C., Sprau, P., Visser, M. and Isaksson, C. (2021) Continent-wide genomic signatures of adaptation to urbanisation in a songbird across Europe. Nature Communications 12, 2983; bioRxiv 2020.05.05.078568. *Joint first authors
**Featured by >100 news outlet: e.g. The Sun (Scotland), The Herald, BBC radio, Daily Mail & by Nat. Commun. Editors’ Highlights 

Huber, N., Mahr, K., Tóth, S., Szarka, E., Salmón, P.,and Lendvai, A. (2021) “The stressed bird in the hand”: Influence of sampling design on the physiological stress response in a free-living songbird. Behaviour and Physiology 238(4): 113488; bioRxiv 2020.10.05.326694. 

Watson, H., Powell, D., Salmón, P., Jacobs, A. and Isaksson, C. (2020) Urbanisation is associated with modifications in DNA methylation in a small passerine bird. Evolutionary Applications. 00:1-14.

Dawson, N. J.* and Salmón, P.*. (2020) Age-related increase in mitochondrial quantity may mitigate a decline in mitochondrial quality in red blood cells from zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Experimental gerontology, 133, 110883. *Joint first authors

Navedo, J., Gutiérrez S. G., Salmón, P., Arranz, D., Novo, M., Díaz-Cosín, D., Herrera, A. G. and Masero, J. (2020) Food supply and foraging behaviour of overwintering Eurasian curlews at coastal pastures with contrasting livestock densities. Ardea, 107(3), 263-274.

Watson, H., Salmón. P. and Isaksson, C. (2019) Dynamic changes in DNA methylation during embryonic and postnatal development in a wild altricial bird. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 9580– 9585.

Salmón, P., Watson, H., Nord, A. and Isaksson, C. (2018) Effects of the urban environment on oxidative stress in early life: insights from a cross-fostering experiment. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Nov 1; 58(5): 986-994: icy099.

Watson, H., Salmón, P. and Isaksson, C. (2018) Maternally derived yolk antioxidants buffer the developing avian embryo from oxidative stress induced by hyperoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology, Jul 2; 221(Pt13): jeb-179465.

Salmón, P., Stroh, E., Herrera-Dueñas, A., von Post, M. and Isaksson, C. (2018) Oxidative stress in birds along a NOx and urbanisation gradient: An interspecific approach. Science of The Total Environment, 622–623: 635-643.

Senar, J.C., Garamszegi, L.Z., Tilgar, V., Biard, C., Martín-Rueda, G, Salmón, P., Rivas, J.M., Sprau, P., Dingemanse, N.J., Charmantier, A., Demeyrier, V., Navalpotro, H. and Isaksson, C. (2017 Urban Great Tits (Parus major) Show Higher Distress Calling and Pecking Rates than Rural Birds across Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5:163.

Salmón, P., Nilsson, J.F., Watson, H., Bensch, S. and Isaksson, C. (2017) Selective disappearance of great tits with short telomeres in urban areas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284: 20171349.
**Featured by 10 news outlet: e.g. Le Figaro, EurekAlert!, UPI

Salmón, P., Nilsson, J.F., Nord, A. Bensch, S. and Isaksson, C. (2016) Urban environment shortens telomere length in nestling great tits, Parus major. Biology Letters, 12:20160155.
**Featured by 26 news outlet: e.g. National Geographic, LaVanguardia, ScienceNews,

Toledo, A., Andersson, N.M., Hong-Lei, W., Salmón, P., Watson, H., Burdge, G. and Isaksson, C. (2016) Fatty acid profiles of great tit (Parus major) eggs differ between urban and rural habitats, but not between coniferous and deciduous forest. The Science of Nature, 103:55.

Andersson, N.M., Hong-Lei, W., Nord, A., Salmón, P. and Isaksson, C. (2015) Composition of physiologically important fatty acids in great tits differs between urban and rural populations on a seasonal basis. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3:93.

Muriel, J., Salmón, P., Nuñez-Buiza, A., de Salas, F., Pérez-Rodríguez, L., Puerta, M. and Gil, D. (2015) Context-dependent effects of yolk androgens on nestling growth and immune function in a multibrooded passerine. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28, (8), 1476-1488.

De la Hera, I., Gómez, J., Andrés, T., González-Ocio, P., Salmón, P., Salvador, M., Unanue, A., Zufiaur, F. and Onrubia, A. (2014) Inferring the migratory status of woodland birds using ringing data: The case of a constant-effort site located in the Iberian Highlands. Ardeola, 61, (1), 77-95.

Navedo, J., Arranz, D., Herrera, A., Salmón, P., Juanes, J. and Masero, J. (2013) Agroecosystems and conservation of migratory waterbirds: importance of coastal pastures and factors influencing their use by wintering shorebirds. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22, (9), 1895-1907.

Books and Chapters

Author of the following species information: Aegithalus caudatus, Cyanistes caeruleus, Motacilla cinerea, Parus major and Passer domesticus. in the first Breeding Atlas of Basque Country (2024). Aranzadi Society of Sciences and Basque Government. Ed: Juan Arizaga.

Pampliega, J., Herrera-Dueñas, A., Salmón, P., Antonio, M.T. and Aguirre, J.I. (2014) Correlation between environmental traits and physiological state of house sparrow (Passer domesticus L.) as a model of urban species. In Human-Environmental Interactions in Cities: Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Land Use Planning and Green Infrastructure. Ed: Kabisch, N., Larondelle, N., Reeve, A., Artmann, M. Publisher: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. 142-157 ISBN: 978-1-4438-5895-3.

Herrero, A. and Salmón, P. (2012) El mirlo acuático (Cinclus cinclus L.) en la provincia de Segovia: Caracterización de su hábitat, estado de sus poblaciones y su papel como bioindicador. Caja Segovia, Obra Social y Cultural: Colección Naturaleza y Medio Ambiente. 63 pp. ISBN: 978-84-92432-78-3.