Dr. Pablo Salmón
Senior Scientist
Email: pablo.salmon@ifv-vogelwarte.de
Tel.: +49 4421 9689 0
ORCID: 0000-0001-9718-6611
Web of Science: Pablo Salmón
Google Scholar: Pablo Salmón
Personal webpage: www.pablosalmon.com
My research to date is at the crossroads between physiology and evolutionary ecology, with particular emphasis on the physiological mechanisms underlying life-history variation, such as oxidative stress, hormones, telomere dynamics or mitochondrial functioning. From this perspective, I consider that understanding the physiological mechanisms shaping organisms’ phenotype, from conception to death, can shed light on the current and future performance of individuals under environmental change scenarios, e.g. anthropogenically driven perturbations as well as help us understanding the observed variation in strategies, e.g., migratory vs sedentary phenotypes.
I am currently investigating the relationship between individual metabolism, including mitochondrial function and the gut microbiome, and migratory performance. My research integrates controlled experiments in captivity with correlational studies in the wild, such as on the island of Helgoland. I prioritise minimally invasive methods, often combining them with remote tracking devices to assess individual behaviour.