List of publications
Peer-reviewed publications
Eikenaar C, Ostolani A, Brust V, Karwinkel T, Schmaljohann H, Isaksson C (2023) The oxidative balance and stopover departure decisions in a medium- and a long‑distance migrant. Movement Ecology (2023) 11:7
Brust V, Schmaljohann H, Hüppop O (2022) Two subspecies of a songbird migrant optimise departure from a coastal stopover with regard to weather and the route lying ahead. J Avian Biol e03004.
Karwinkel, T, Winklhofer M., Janner L E, Brust V, Hüppop O, Bairlein F, Schmaljohann H (2022) A magnetic pulse does not affect free-flight navigation behaviour of a medium-distance songbird migrant in spring. Journal of Experimental Biology 225. doi: 10.1242/jeb.244473
Brust V, Hüppop O (2021) Underestimated scale of songbird offshore migration across the south-eastern North Sea during autumn, Journal of Ornithology,
Kahnau P, Guenther A, Boon MN, Terzenbach JD, Hanitzsch E, Lewejohann L, Brust V (2021) Lifetime observations of cognition and physiological parameters in male mice, Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience.
Michalik B, Brust V, Hüppop O (2020) Are movements of daytime and nighttime passerine migrants as different as day and night? Ecology and Evolution 00: 1-12,
Brust V, Michalik B, Hüppop O (2019) To cross or not to cross – thrushes at the German North Sea coast adapt flight and routing to wind conditions in autumn, Movement Ecology 7:32,
Guenther A, Brust V (2017) Individual consistency in multiple cognitive performance: behavioural versus cognitive syndromes, Animal Behaviour 130, 119-131
Brust V, Guenther A (2016) Stability of the guinea pigs personality - cognition linkage over time, Behavioural Processes, doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2016.06.009
Brust V, Schindler M P, Lewejohann L (2015) Lifetime development of behavioural phenotype in the house mouse (Mus musculus), Frontiers in Zoology 12 (1), S 17
Brust V, Bastian H-V, Bastian A, Schmoll T (2015) Determinants of between-year burrow re-occupation in a colony of the European Bee-eater Merops apiaster, Ecology and Evolution 5 (15), 3223-3230
Brust V, Guenther A (2015) Domestication effects on behavioural traits and learning performance: comparing wild cavies to guinea pigs, Animal Cognition 18, 99-109
Guenther A, Brust V, Dersen M, Trillmich F (2014) Learning and personality types are related in cavies (Cavia aperea), Journal of Comparative Psychology 128, 74-81
Brust V, Krüger O, Naguib M, Krause E T (2014) Lifelong consequences of early nutritional conditions on learning performance in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), Behavioural Processes 103, 320-326
Brust V, Wuerz Y, Krüger O (2013) Behavioural flexibility and personality in zebra finches, Ethology 119, 7, 559-596
Other publications
Brust V, Hüppop O (2018) Individuelle Zugentscheidungen von Singvögeln an der deutschen Nordseeküste Jber Inst Vogelforsch 13, 11
Brust V, Michalik B & Hüppop O (2018) Individuelle Flugwege kleiner Singvögel zur Zugzeit an der Deutschen Bucht. Vogelwarte 56, 367
Schmaljohann H, Brust V, Hüppop O (2018) Automatische Verfolgung kleiner Vögel - der technische Fortschritt hält Einzug in die Vogelzugforschung über der Nordsee, Nachr Marschenrat 55, 57-62
Brust V., Bastian H-V., Bastian A., Schmoll T. (2014) Wiederbenutzung von Brutröhren beim Bienenfresser Merops apiaster, Vogelwarte 52, 315
Lohr M., Brust V.,Riedl U. (2012) Feldvögel im Kreis Höxter – Habitatnutzung und Auswirkungen des Anbaus nachwachsender Rohstoffe auf die Avifauna, Beiträge zur Naturkunde zwischen Egge und Weser 24, 101-134