List of Publications
Peer-reviewed publications (9)
in preperation:
- Kürten N*, Haest B*, Schmaljohann H, Vedder O, González-Solís J, Bouwhuis S (in preparation) Individual migration phenology is fine-tuned to environmental conditions at the wintering and breeding area
- Bichet C, Moiron M, Kürten N, Vedder O & Bouwhuis S (in preparation) High repeatability and heritability of egg patterning in a long-lived seabird
- Kürten N, Wynn J, Haest B, Schmaljohann H, Vedder O, González-Solís J, Bouwhuis S (in revision) Route flexibility is associated with headwind minimization in a long-distance migratory seabird. Proceedings of the Rojal Society B
- Strubbe S, Bourski O, Amshoff J, Meinken M, Tarasov V, Volkova V, Heim RJ, Kürten N, Hahn S, Thorup K, Heim W (in revision) Tracking the migration of a Bluethroat Luscinia svecica svecica from central Siberia, Journal of Ornithology
- Castano M, García G, Kürten N, Bouwhuis S (submitted) Individual behavioral responses to novel stimuli in breeding common terns (Sterna hirundo), Ethology
- Bertram J, Kürten N, Bichet C, Moiron M, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (submitted) Parental blood mercury levels are correlated and predictive of mercury levels in their eggs in a long-lived seabird, Environmental Research
- Wynn J, Kürten N, Moiron M, Bouwhuis S (2025) Selective disappearance based on navigational efficiency in a long-lived seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology.
- Betram J, Moiron M, Bichet C, Kürten N, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (2024) Mercury concentrations in blood and back feathers are repeatable, heritableand correlated in a long-lived seabird, Science of the Total Environment. 599:176939
- Cansse T, Vedder O, Kürten N & Bouwhuis S (2024) Feeding rate reflects quality both in parents and offspring: a longitudinal study in common terns. Animal Behaviour. 214:111-120
- Militão T, Kürten N, Bouwhuis A, González-Solís J (2023) Sex-specific faraging strategies of common terns during the incubation period. Marine Biology
- Bertram J*, Kürten N*, Bichet C, Schupp PJ, Bouwhuis S (2022) Mercury contamination level is repeatable and predicted by wintering area
in a long-distance migratory seabird. Environmental Pollution. 313:120107
- Kürten N, Schmaljohann H, Bichet C, Haest B, Vedder O, González-Solís J, Bouwhuis S (2022) High individual repeatability of the migratory behaviour of a long-distance migratory seabird. Movement Ecology 10: 5
- Kürten N, Piening K, Vedder O (2021) Does parental heart rate affect embryonic heart rate during incubation? An experiment in common terns. Journal of Ornithology 162: 759–764
- Kürten N, Vedder O, González-Solís J, Schmaljohann H, Bouwhuis S (2019) No detectable effect of light-level geolocators on the behaviour and fitness of a long-distance migratory seabird. Journal of Ornithology 160: 1087–1095
- Vedder O, Kürten N, Bouwhuis S (2017) Intraspecific variation in and environment-dependent resource allocation to embryonic development time in common terns. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90: 453–460
*shared first-authorship