Dr. Sabrina Satzinger

Science Communicator

Email: sabrina.satzinger@ifv-vogelwarte.de
ORCID: 0000-0001-8173-8696
LinkedIn: Sabrina Satzinger

As science communicator I supervise and coordinate the pilot project 'Bird Migration - Kids4Kids', a cooperation project between the Institute of Avian Research and the Neues Gymnasium Wilhelmshaven. The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and aims to establish new approaches in science communication. By enabling school children at different ages to engage in scientific topics and explaining them from their lens, science gets the voice of kids. The project ideas are planned to be implemented through e.g. symposia, traveling exhibitions, and various media formats. Thereby, the kids will acquire extended scientific knowledge on bird migration. In addition, the project fosters important soft skills in young, curious individuals (and potential future scientists) such as communication, presentation and project management skills and will broaden our overall perspective of science communication.

Besides my fascination for science communication and project coordination, I am interested in various research areas. In the last years, I have worked as research scientist and investigated the functional role of immune responses and nutrition in development of inflammatory diseases.