Curriculum vitae

Education and employment

2015 onwardsPostdoc „Life-history of common terns“, Institute of Avian Research, Germany
2013 – 2015Volunteer at a raptor rehabilitation center, “Greifvogelstation Berg am Irchel”, Switzerland
2008 – 2013PHD „Individual quality of common terns: intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing hormone values during breeding“, University of Oldenburg & Institute of Avian Research, Germany
2002 – 2008studies of biology with diploma thesis “hemic parameters of breeding common terns in relation to sex, age and breeding phase”, University of Oldenburg, Germany


Seminars and conference contributions

• 141. Jahresversammlung der DO-G, Bremen 2008: Steigert Kortikosteron der Ausfliegeerfolg der Flussseeschwalbe?

• 7th Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin 2009: Is the hatching sex ratio in common terns influenced by their mothers’ baseline corticosterone level?

• 10th Seabird Group Meeting, Brügge 2009: Is the reproductive success of breeding common terns influenced by prolactin or corticosterone plasma levels?

• IOC Meeting, Campos do Jordao 2010: Is there a difference in prolactin and corticosterone levels between first and replacement clutches in breeding Common Terns?             

• 143. Jahresversammlung der DO-G, Helgoland 2010: Geringere Investition ins Nachgelege? Vergleich von Hormonwerten zwischen erst- und nachlegenden Flussseeschwalben (Sterna hirundo)

• 144. Jahresversammlung der DO-G, Potsdam 2012: Hormongesteuertes Brutverhalten bei Flussseeschwalben: Änderung von Prolaktin- und Kortikosteronwerten über die Inkubationsphase

• 14th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Lund 2012: The older the better: endocrine mechanisms in reproducing common terns        

• 5th ISWE Conference, Wien 2012: Multiple sampling of common terns via blood-sucking bugs: change of prolactin and corticosterone values during incubation

• 147. Jahresversammlung der DO-G, Konstanz 2015: Lohnt sich der Aufwand? Zusammenhänge zwischen Fortpflanzungserfolg, Kortikosteron und Telomerlänge


Other relevant experience

• I was in charge or organising and managing field work and data collection at the Banter See common tern colony between 2008 – 2012

• I supervised the practical work of 15 BSc, MSc, diploma students and helpers and commented on their written theoretical work

• I have been employed as a student assistant at the University of Oldenburg, conducting hearing and learning experiments with birds (AG Zoophysiologie & Verhalten)

• I have reviewed articles for Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, General and Comparative Endocrinology and Peerage of Science

• I am experienced in presenting my work to the public through talks, radio & television interviews and newspaper articles

• I hold a clean driving license